In a decisive victory, Sir Keir Starmer has become the UK’s next prime minister after Labour secured a majority in last week’s general election. This significant shift in the political landscape has prompted a wave of reactions from various industry leaders, reflecting both optimism and calls for strategic policy implementation.

Political Landscape and Economic Implications

The Conservative party experienced a historic defeat, with the number of its MPs falling to the lowest in its history. This shift has set the stage for Labour to implement its policies aimed at addressing economic and social issues.

David Postings, Chief Executive of UK Finance, congratulated Sir Keir Starmer and emphasized the importance of political support for the financial services sector:

“I’d like to congratulate Sir Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, and the rest of the Labour Party on their general election victory. Labour has described financial services as one of the UK’s greatest success stories and said they will champion the sector. This level of political support is extremely welcome.”

Addressing Financial Inequality

Ian Somerset, Chief Executive of Money Wellness, highlighted the potential for the new government to tackle financial inequality:

“This new government has the chance to turn the page on financial inequality in the UK. Measures to reduce the inherent unfairness in society don’t have to cost the earth, for instance, introducing better financial education in schools and scrapping the outdated and stigmatising Individual Insolvency Register.”

Housing and Affordability

Simon Webb, Managing Director of Capital Markets and Finance at LiveMore, pointed out the need for affordable housing policies:

“’Landslide victory’ are the clear watchwords for this election. But as Labour settles in, the new watchword will need to be affordability. Labour’s manifesto prioritised maintaining current stamp duty exemptions for first-time buyers but made no mention of extending this exemption to other buyers. It is crucial that they listen to the industry first for guidance.”

Supporting SMEs

Ed Rimmer, CEO at Time Finance, emphasized the importance of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs):

“A new Labour Government needs to keep the promises it has made to SMEs in their manifesto. From exposing late payers to unlocking the supply of finance for businesses looking to grow, it is vital for the new government to demonstrate their commitment to SMEs.”

Economic Stability and Growth

Theo Chatha, Chief Financial Officer at Bibby Financial Services, discussed the potential for driving economic growth through SMEs:

“The Labour party now has an opportunity to drive economic growth through the UK’s resilient small and medium-sized business community. They must address key areas of concern for SMEs, particularly access to finance.”

Business Confidence and Investment

Jonathan Geldart, Director General at the Institute of Directors, expressed optimism about the future under a Labour government:

“The IoD looks forward to working with the new government to create a resurgent UK economy in which individual companies and directors have the confidence to invest and grow. The UK needs to regain and accelerate its position of leadership in the transition to a net zero future.”

Industry Collaboration and Sustainable Growth

Rain Newton-Smith, CBI Chief Executive, highlighted the need for collaboration between government and business:

“Delivering sustainable growth should be the defining mission for the new government. Business stands ready to bring its innovation, ideas, and investment to make that shared mission a reality.”

Prioritizing Stability and Resilience

John Boulton, ICAEW Director of Policy, stressed the importance of economic stability and resilience:

“As Sir Keir Starmer’s government takes office, it must act decisively to instill stability and resilience into the economy. Reliable, trusted reporting by companies is not ancillary to economic stability but fundamental.”


The Labour party’s victory marks a significant turning point in UK politics, bringing with it a wave of expectations from various industries. As the new government takes its first steps, it will need to address key economic challenges, support SMEs, and foster a collaborative relationship with the business community to drive sustainable growth and stability.

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Last Update: July 8, 2024